That was an amazing experience at Rye primary school. Invited today as Professor Wolfenden from the School of Wizards to speak to the assembly.


I arrived not Late nor Early, but precisely when I was supposed to. The little ones were all dress in all manner of curious attire, I'm certain not all were human.


After introducing myself, I set about testing their knowledge of the Fae world. Elves, Gnomes, and pixies were all called out until the word Goblin was mentioned. With heavy heart, I had to inform them of the dark and twisted Fae, those that must be avoided, I won't scare you of the details. Only a few of the younger ones fainted.


The next lesson was Potion making, the choice was theirs. "Love potion! Invisibility! One to make me a Princess!" the last one from the young lad I said I would come back to, as we had all voted for Invisibility.


We chose the mixers, and started the very dangerous task of making the potion. Even with substances that could have burnt their skin to the bone and liquids that would have blown the school to smithereens, we compleated the task with success.


My lesson turned to fortune-telling and divination. After suggesting tea reading and palm reading, we decided to use my Crystal ball to look into a place and time of the schools choosing. World War 2, 1666AD and Egypt at the time of the building of the pyramids were selected. A young chap called George chose the latter, to my relief.


With Georges help using the Crystal ball, we successfully had a vision that took us back a few thousand years. I saw some details, George filled in the rest. The assembly was amazed and equally spell bounded.


The final ten minutes of the lecture was for the children to use my book "The Storymasters Tales" and go on a little journey. With the help of Bella the Sleeping Princess and Prancer the Red-Cap, we stopped a wave of Zombie Peasants and found a Fairy ring, which (although most of the children wanted to kick it in) we stepped thought, to find that is revitalised us.


Huge fun was had by all."